Bug #28117
openforeman-proxy failed - foreman_remote_execution
i cannot start foreman-proxy since the remote execution plugin installation with this command :
foreman-installer --no-enable-foreman-plugin-remote-execution --no-enable-foreman-proxy-plugin-remote-execution-ssh
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 9.11 (stretch)
Release: 9.11
Codename: stretch
ii ruby-foreman-remote-execution-core 1.1.6-1 all Foreman remote execution - core bits
ii foreman 1.23.0-1 amd64 Systems management web interface
ii ruby-foreman-tasks 0.16.2-1 all Tasks management engine for Foreman.
ii ruby-foreman-tasks-core 0.2.5-1 all Foreman tasks - core bits
ii ruby-concurrent 1.0.0-3 all modern concurrency tools for Ruby
[ERROR 2019-10-23T08:45:46 verbose] Systemd start for foreman-proxy failed!
[ERROR 2019-10-23T08:45:46 verbose] journalctl log for foreman-proxy:
[ERROR 2019-10-23T08:45:46 verbose] -- Logs begin at Wed 2019-10-23 08:30:07 EDT, end at Wed 2019-10-23 08:45:46 EDT. --
[ERROR 2019-10-23T08:45:46 verbose] Oct 23 08:45:46 foreman.xxxx systemd1: Starting Foreman Proxy...
[ERROR 2019-10-23T08:45:46 verbose] Oct 23 08:45:46 foreman.xxxx smart-proxy5532: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/foreman_remote_execution_core.rb:75:in `<module:ForemanRemoteExecutionCore>': uninitialized constant ForemanTasksCore::TaskLauncher (NameError)
could you take a look please ?