Bug #28641
openFix mocha deprecation warnings in report_importer
Mocha deprecation warning at app/services/report_importer.rb:54:in `join': #<Mock:Object> was instantiated in one test but it is receiving invocations within another test. This can lead to unintended interactions between tests and hence unexpected test failures. Ensure that every test correctly cleans up any state that it introduces. A Mocha::StubbingError will be raised in this scenario in the future.
Mocha deprecation warning at app/services/report_importer.rb:56:in `block in scan': #<Mock:Object> was instantiated in one test but it is receiving invocations within another test. This can lead to unintended interactions between tests and hence unexpected test failures. Ensure that every test correctly cleans up any state that it introduces. A Mocha::StubbingError will be raised in this scenario in the future.