



Tracker #30160


Extract Puppet ENC to a plugin

Added by Ondřej Ezr over 4 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Puppet integration
Target version:
% Done:


Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:


Create foreman_puppet_enc plugin, that will be housing all the Puppet ENC related code.

Subtasks 67 (4 open63 closed)

Refactor #30170: Extract Smart Parameters to a pluginClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31007: Extract SmartClassParameters APIClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31009: Extract PuppetLookupKey UIClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31010: Extract Parameters::PuppetclassLookupKeyClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31013: Extract LookupValue puppet extensionClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31014: Extract PuppetLookupKey modelsClosedOndřej EzrActions
Tracker #30171: Extract ConfigGroups to a pluginClosedShira Maximov

Refactor #31093: Extract ConfigGroup UIClosedShira MaximovActions
Refactor #31094: Extract ConfigGroup APIClosedShira MaximovActions
Refactor #31095: Extract ConfigGroup modelsClosedShira MaximovActions
Refactor #31096: Extract ConfigGroup migrationsClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31106: Extract ConfigGroup ControllersClosedShira MaximovActions
Tracker #30172: Extract Puppet Classes to a pluginClosed

Refactor #31089: Extract Puppetclass views+helpersClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31092: Extract Puppetclass UI controllersClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31129: Extract Puppetclass APIClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31130: Extract Puppetclass parameter filterClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31131: Extract Puppetclass permissionsClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31235: Extract Puppetclass modelsClosedActions
Refactor #31766: Extract Puppetclass GraphQLClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #33541: Extract Puppetclass migrationsClosedOndřej EzrActions
Tracker #30173: Extract Puppet Environments to a pluginClosed

Refactor #31057: Extract Environments UI logicClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31058: Extract Environments UI view+helpersClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31059: Extract Environments modelsClosedActions
Refactor #31060: Extract Environments migrationsClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31061: Extract Environments permissionsClosedActions
Refactor #31062: Extract Environments APIClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31114: Extract Environment parameters filterClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31136: Extract Environments change multiple host actionClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #32896: Extract Environment GraphQLClosedKamil SzubrychtActions
Smart Proxy - Feature #30191: Extract Puppet endpoint to a smart proxy pluginRejectedActions
Refactor #30332: Extract Puppet part of classification to a pluginClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #30401: Remove fixture usage from Classification testingClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #30913: Extract puppet from Host(group) form and detailsClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31160: Extract Puppet Classes tab to a pluginClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31170: Extract Host(group) form environment fieldRejectedActions
Refactor #30918: Migrate core types in DBRejectedActions
Refactor #30927: Extract PuppetFactParser to pluginRejectedActions
Refactor #31055: Extract importing of Puppet Class/EnvironmentClosedActions
Refactor #31056: Extract puppet from SmartProxy integrationClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31066: Reduce number of smart_class_parameters/override_values API endpointsRejectedActions
Tracker #31072: Extract Environment from TemplateCombinationClosed

Refactor #31732: Extract Environment from TemplateCombination modelClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31733: Extract Environment assignment to template combinations ClosedActions
Refactor #31738: Deprecate Environment in Template combination APIClosedOndřej EzrActions
Tracker #31073: Remove puppet bits from non puppet related testsClosedOndřej Ezr

Refactor #31107: Test Middleware on different resource than environmentsClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31369: Remove Environment fixturesClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #32614: Remove environment from Taxonomix testClosedActions
Refactor #31366: Extract PuppetParameter template InputTypeClosedOndřej EzrActions
Feature #31389: Fix GraphQL queries from pluginClosedActions
Refactor #31658: Extract puppet bits from HostNewActions
Refactor #31659: Extract importNode from HostClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31661: Extract #externalNodes actionClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31667: Refactor or remove configuration? methodNewActions
Refactor #31769: Extract puppet related searchesClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #32091: Drop puppet_host_overview_fieldsClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #32092: Add puppet related macros for provisioning templatesClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #31749: Extract puppet enc cssClosedOndřej EzrActions
Tracker #31824: Extract installerNew

Refactor #32064: Extract Puppet settingClosedOndřej EzrActions
Refactor #32615: Extract PuppetProxy and PuppetCAProxyNewActions
Feature #32652: Add task to purge puppet dataClosedOndřej EzrActions
Katello - Refactor #32922: Drop Foreman::Environment::Destroy actionClosedOndřej EzrActions
Katello - Refactor #32923: Drop puppetclass and environment usage from host testsClosedOndřej EzrActions
Feature #33180: Add task to set host parameters from Puppet dataClosedOndřej EzrActions

Related issues 4 (1 open3 closed)

Related to Foreman - Feature #30215: Add warning banner about puppet ENC extractionClosedShira MaximovActions
Related to Foreman Remote Execution - Bug #33088: Broken tests after puppet removal in ForemanClosedAdam RuzickaActions
Related to Foreman Maintain - Feature #33829: Add command to uninstall and install Puppet pluginClosedOndřej EzrActions
Blocks Foreman - Tracker #29431: Making puppet optionalNew


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