Bug #31923
closedBug #28386: hammer settings content_default_http_proxy does not have validation for provided values
unable to set "Default HTTP Proxy" field to "no global default".'
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1918167
Description of problem:
unable to set "Default HTTP Proxy" field to "no global default".
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
- Satellite 6.9.0 snap 9
How reproducible:
- Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a Http Proxy (Go to Infrastructure > Http Proxies)
2. Go to Administer > Settings > Content tab
3. Set "Default HTTP Proxy"
4. Now try to set "Default HTTP Proxy" to "no global default".
Actual results:
Oh no! Something went wrong while submitting the form, the server returned the following error: Error: Request failed with status code 422
Expected results:
- User is able to set "Default HTTP Proxy" to "no global default".
Additional info:
2021-01-20T03:42:34 [E|app|9a9bad14] Unprocessable entity Setting::Content (id: 198):
9a9bad14 | There is no such HTTP Proxy
9a9bad14 |
2021-01-20T03:42:34 [I|app|9a9bad14] Rendering api/v2/errors/unprocessable_entity.json.rabl within api/v2/layouts/error_layout
2021-01-20T03:42:34 [I|app|9a9bad14] Rendered api/v2/errors/unprocessable_entity.json.rabl within api/v2/layouts/error_layout (Duration: 4.8ms | Allocations: 6575)
2021-01-20T03:42:34 [D|app|9a9bad14] Body: {
9a9bad14 | "error": {"id":198,"errors":{"base":["There is no such HTTP Proxy"]},"full_messages":["There is no such HTTP Proxy"]}
9a9bad14 | }
9a9bad14 |
2021-01-20T03:42:34 [I|app|9a9bad14] Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 26ms (Views: 8.4ms | ActiveRecord: 3.1ms | Allocations: 18645)
- Use hammer CLI to unset content_default_http_proxy
hammer> settings set --name content_default_http_proxy --value ""'