Feature #32602
closedInclude Puppet 7 repository support in provisioning snippets
add provisioning and configuration support for use of the puppet 7 release and repos
In order to use the puppet 7 release add a new parameter and appropriate reference to enable the puppet 7 repos and install and configure the puppet 7 packages.
The new parameter is named puppetofficial-puppet7-repo - this is in contradiction to the existing parameters puppetlabs-puppetX-repo.
This is a conscious attempt to fix Bug #31568 without the need for migration and possible breaking changes for existing consuming by introducing a new name and reference for the puppet repos while allowing the existing ones to phase out as those release become EOL.
A bigger change is planned for a future release to move to puppet-enable and puppet-version parameter rather than repo/release names as individual parameters. This is out of scope for this change.