

vijaykumar sawant

  • Login: visawant
  • Registered on: 06/02/2020
  • Last sign in: 01/10/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 24 24 48



01:02 PM Foreman Bug #35630 (Closed): i18n automation failing due to internationalization of locators
*Description of problem:* i18n test automation framework is failing (blocker) due to semi-localized values of GUI ele... vijaykumar sawant


08:15 AM Foreman Bug #34725: [zh_CN] Wrong translation of string "Host" on Host - Create Host page.
This issue has been seen in Foreman 3.4 rc1 build.
vijaykumar sawant
08:11 AM Foreman Bug #34722: [zh_CN] Traditional Chinese words instead of Simplified Chinese
This issue has been observed in Foreman 3.4 rc1 build.
Below are locations where issue still exists
1. Monitor ...
vijaykumar sawant


02:01 PM foreman-tasks Bug #35523 (Closed): [zh_CN/ja_JP/fr_FR] Monitor - Recurring logics, table data and column headings are not marked.
*Description of problem:* On table Monitor - Recurring Logics table, column headings and table data strings are not m... vijaykumar sawant
01:45 PM Foreman Bug #35522 (New): [zh_CN/ja_JP/fr_FR] Strings on Monitor sub menu pages are not marked
*Description of problem:* Strings present on Monitor sub menu pages are not marked
*Version-Release number of sele...
vijaykumar sawant
01:26 PM Foreman Bug #35521 (New): [zh_CN/ja_JP/fr_FR] Date and Time format are not marked in Content - Sync Plans table
*Description of problem:* On table Content - Sync Plans, strings under 'Original Sync Date' and 'Next Sync' columns a... vijaykumar sawant
06:42 AM Foreman Bug #35518 (New): [zh_CN/ja_JP/fr_FR] Monitor sub-menu link, information (i icon) string is not marked
*Description of problem:* After click on information (i icon) button, string appear in English and it is not marked f... vijaykumar sawant


04:23 PM Foreman Bug #35019: [zh_CN/ja_JP/fr_FR] On Configure - Global parameters table page, entered localized values for Data types are showing in English
This issue has been observed in Foreman 3.4 rc1 build. vijaykumar sawant
04:17 PM Foreman Bug #35018: [zh_CN/ja_JP/fr_FR] Monitor - Report templates, information strings are not localized. ('i' icon)
This issue has been observed in Foreman 3.4 rc1 build. vijaykumar sawant
04:06 PM Foreman Bug #34728: [ja_JP/zh_CN/fr_FR] Warning/alert message is not marked also not localized.
This issue has been observed in Foreman 3.4 rc1 build. vijaykumar sawant

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