Bug #19707
Searching for specific organizations/locations broken
If I try to search through subnets with location_id every subnet is returned as long as the location_id actually exists. If I search for a nonexsitent location_id no subnet gets returned.
Also searching for organizations seems to be broken too, because when I enter a location name as organization I get a list of all subnets.
name: net1-mgmt
location_id: 8
name: net2-mgmt
location_id: 9
search_string: location_id = 9 and name ~ net%-mgmt
Result: Both Subnets
Expected Result: Subnet2
search_string: location_id = 90 and name ~ net%-mgmt
Result: Nothing
Expected Result: Nothing (this is actually correct)
search_string: organization_id = 9 and name ~ net%-mgmt
Result: Both Subnets
Expected Result: Nothing as organization_id 9 does not exist