Bug #2178
closedVMware - Cluster and asociated datastores
Compute resources
Target version:
When I want to provision a host using vmware compute ressource, I see a problem in the Virtual Machine tab.
I can choose for a specific cluster and also the datastore.
In our organisation, we have datastores associated with a cluster, so we were expecting to see only the datastores for the selected cluster, while we see all of them … from all clusters.
Since we have a lot of DS, it adds complexity.
Bug discovered with Foreman 1.1RC5
Updated by Ohad Levy about 12 years ago
Yes I am aware of it, and it was just a lake of time on my side.
will try to fix it within the 1.1-stable branch.
Updated by Florent Delvaille about 12 years ago
Crap, you did not had the time ...
I tried to add the feature myself but it is definitively not something for me :-)
I hope to have this feature asap ;-)
Updated by Ohad Levy about 12 years ago
- Category set to Compute resources
- Target version set to 1.2.0