Bug #24867
closedCould not calculate errata status, ensure host is registered and the katello-host-tools package is installed
we use Foreman 1.19 and Katello 3.8.
After Upgrade we get always the message "Could not calculate errata status, ensure host is registered and the katello-host-tools package is installed".
i tried everything
- telnet satellite.example.com 5647
- service goferd status
- service goferd restart
katello-package-upload -f
i tried these kb from redhat. https://access.redhat.com/solutions/3517471
is there any know issue?
Updated by Sven Vogel over 6 years ago
- Category set to Errata Management
- Fixed in Releases deleted (
Katello 3.8.0) - Found in Releases Katello 3.8.0 added
Updated by Sven Vogel over 6 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Hi Chris,
do you need additional information? Logs?
Updated by Chris Duryee over 6 years ago
Apologies for the delay. A few things to try:
Can you confirm the host is registered with subscription-manager, and if you do a "subscription-manager identity" it displays some info?
Also can you restart goferd, and then grab the output of "systemctl status goferd"?
Updated by Sven Vogel about 6 years ago
Hi Chris,
yes. you can see here.
[root@kvm06 ~]# subscription-manager identity
system identity: de58e05b-a8fd-4da6-b4ca-3222685898e2
name: kvm06.example.com
org name: EXAMPLE ORG
environment name: KVM_CL_Environment/KVM_CL_Composite
[root@kvm06 ~]# systemctl status goferd
● goferd.service - Gofer Agent
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/goferd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-09-12 14:23:48 CEST; 6 days ago
Main PID: 1960 (python)
Tasks: 9
CGroup: /system.slice/goferd.service
└─1960 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/goferd --foreground
Sep 17 10:40:16 kvm06.example.org goferd1960: [INFO][pulp.agent.de58e05b-a8fd-4da6-b4ca-3222685898e2] gofer.messaging.adapter.connect:28 - connecting: proton+amqps://katello01.example.org:5647
Sep 17 10:40:16 kvm06.example.org goferd1960: [INFO][pulp.agent.de58e05b-a8fd-4da6-b4ca-3222685898e2] gofer.messaging.adapter.proton.connection:87 - open: URL: amqps://katello01.example.org:5647|SSL: ca: /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-default-ca.pem|key: None|certificate: /etc/pki/consumer/bundle.pem|host-validation: None
Sep 17 10:40:16 kvm06.example.org goferd1960: [INFO][pulp.agent.de58e05b-a8fd-4da6-b4ca-3222685898e2] gofer.messaging.adapter.proton.connection:92 - opened: proton+amqps://katello01.example.org:5647
Sep 17 10:40:16 kvm06.example.org goferd1960: [INFO][pulp.agent.de58e05b-a8fd-4da6-b4ca-3222685898e2] gofer.messaging.adapter.connect:30 - connected: proton+amqps://katello01.example.org:5647
i dont know whats wrong. i use composite view.
subscriptionmanager config
[root@kvm06 ~]# subscription-manager config
hostname = katello01.example.org
insecure = [0]
no_proxy = []
port = [443]
prefix = /rhsm
proxy_hostname = []
proxy_password = []
proxy_port = []
proxy_user = []
server_timeout = [180]
ssl_verify_depth = [3]
auto_enable_yum_plugins = [1]
baseurl = https://katello01.cs.ewerk.com/pulp/repos
ca_cert_dir = [/etc/rhsm/ca/]
consumercertdir = [/etc/pki/consumer]
entitlementcertdir = [/etc/pki/entitlement]
full_refresh_on_yum = 1
inotify = [1]
manage_repos = [1]
pluginconfdir = [/etc/rhsm/pluginconf.d]
plugindir = [/usr/share/rhsm-plugins]
productcertdir = [/etc/pki/product]
repo_ca_cert = /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem
report_package_profile = [1]
autoattachinterval = [1440]
certcheckinterval = [240]
splay = [1]
default_log_level = [INFO]
[] - Default value in use
[root@kvm06 ~]# subscription-manager status-----------------------------------------
System Status Details-----------------------------------------
Overall Status: Current
hmmm does this help?
Updated by Sven Vogel about 6 years ago
systemctl restart goferd -> output
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org systemd1: Started Gofer Agent.
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org systemd1: Starting Gofer Agent...
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org polkitd833: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:76518:53443887 (system bus name :1.643, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus)
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][Thread-1] gofer.rmi.store:108 - Using: /var/lib/gofer/messaging/pending/demo
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [WARNING][MainThread] gofer.agent.plugin:647 - plugin:demo, DISABLED
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][Thread-2] gofer.rmi.store:108 - Using: /var/lib/gofer/messaging/pending/katello
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][MainThread] gofer.agent.plugin:692 - plugin:katello loaded using: katello.agent.goferd.plugin
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][MainThread] rhsm.connection:868 - Connection built: host=katello01.example.org port=443 handler=/rhsm auth=identity_cert ca_dir=/etc/rhsm/ca/ insecure=False
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][MainThread] rhsm.connection:586 - Response: status=200, request="GET /rhsm/consumers/de58e05b-a8fd-4da6-b4ca-3222685898e2"
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][MainThread] katello.agent.goferd.plugin:173 - Using /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-default-ca.pem as the ca cert for qpid connection
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][MainThread] gofer.agent.main:92 - agent started.
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][worker-0] gofer.messaging.adapter.connect:28 - connecting: proton+amqps://katello01.example.org:5647
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][worker-0] gofer.messaging.adapter.proton.connection:87 - open: URL: amqps://katello01.example.org:5647|SSL: ca: /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-default-ca.pem|key: None|certificate: /etc/pki/consumer/bundle.pem|host-validatio
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][worker-0] gofer.messaging.adapter.proton.connection:92 - opened: proton+amqps://katello01.example.org:5647
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][worker-0] gofer.messaging.adapter.connect:30 - connected: proton+amqps://katello01.example.org:5647
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][worker-0] gofer.messaging.adapter.proton.connection:131 - closed: proton+amqps://katello01.example.org:5647
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][pulp.agent.de58e05b-a8fd-4da6-b4ca-3222685898e2] gofer.messaging.adapter.connect:28 - connecting: proton+amqps://katello01.example.org:5647
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][worker-0] gofer.agent.plugin:379 - plugin:katello, attached => pulp.agent.de58e05b-a8fd-4da6-b4ca-3222685898e2
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][pulp.agent.de58e05b-a8fd-4da6-b4ca-3222685898e2] gofer.messaging.adapter.proton.connection:87 - open: URL: amqps://katello01.example.org:5647|SSL: ca: /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-default-ca.pem|key: None|certificate: /etc
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][pulp.agent.de58e05b-a8fd-4da6-b4ca-3222685898e2] gofer.messaging.adapter.proton.connection:92 - opened: proton+amqps://katello01.example.org:5647
Sep 18 18:50:36 kvm06.example.org goferd76525: [INFO][pulp.agent.de58e05b-a8fd-4da6-b4ca-3222685898e2] gofer.messaging.adapter.connect:30 - connected: proton+amqps://katello01.example.org:5647
Updated by Andrew Kofink about 6 years ago
- Target version set to Katello 3.8.1
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
Updated by Chris Duryee about 6 years ago
I'm working on reproducing this issue now.
Updated by Chris Duryee about 6 years ago
Can you confirm that the host has repos attached to it in Katello? I was able to reproduce this issue, but it turned out that I just didn't have any bound repos.
If this turns out to be the case, we can put in a redmine issue to make the text clearer.
Updated by Sven Vogel about 6 years ago
Hi Chris,
how do you attach a repoitory? attach in a gpg key?
can i send you a output command?
Updated by Chris Duryee about 6 years ago
You need to create at least one product with a yum repo, and then assign the product to the content host and run "subscription-manager refresh" on the host. More info is at https://theforeman.org/plugins/katello/3.8/user_guide/content_hosts/index.html.
If no repos are attached to the host, you'll get the "could not calculate status" message which can be confusing (https://github.com/Katello/katello/blob/master/app/models/katello/errata_status.rb#L56-L57).
Basically, if /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo on the client has at least one repo in it, then you are in good shape for this step.
Updated by Sven Vogel about 6 years ago
- File Bildschirmfoto 2018-10-08 um 21.49.06.png Bildschirmfoto 2018-10-08 um 21.49.06.png added
- File Bildschirmfoto 2018-10-08 um 21.48.51.png Bildschirmfoto 2018-10-08 um 21.48.51.png added
Hi Chris,
my steps are
1. add a activation key to our host group
2. system is registered
[root@kvm05 yum.repos.d]# subscription-manager register --org="COMPANY" --activationkey="Cloudstack Activation Key"
This system is already registered. Use --force to override
[root@kvm05 yum.repos.d]# ll
total 48rw-r--r-. 1 root root 170 Oct 8 16:58 base.reporw-r--r-. 1 root root 160 Oct 8 17:08 cloudstack.reporw-r--r-. 1 root root 158 Oct 8 16:58 epel.reporw-r--r-. 1 root root 177 Oct 8 16:58 epel-testing.reporw-r--r-. 1 root root 166 Oct 8 16:58 extras.reporw-r--r-. 1 root root 171 Oct 8 16:58 katello-client.reporw-r--r-. 1 root root 528 Oct 8 16:58 katello.reporw-r--r-. 1 root root 165 Oct 8 17:08 libvirt_latest.reporw-r--r-. 1 root root 181 Oct 8 16:58 openvswitch.reporw-r--r-. 1 root root 176 Oct 8 16:58 puppet5.reporw-r--r-. 1 root root 150 Oct 8 17:08 qemu-ev.reporw-r--r-. 1 root root 184 Oct 8 16:58 updates.repo
4. can you see the pictures...
Updated by Sven Vogel about 6 years ago
my content is attached with the key... is that a other process?
when i add a seperate repository directly to content host how you describe i get
[root@kvm05 yum.repos.d]# cat redhat.repo
metadata_expire = 1
sslclientcert = /etc/pki/entitlement/5882520422236831686.pem
baseurl = https://katello01.cs.ewerk.com/pulp/repos/EWERK/KVM_Cloudstack_Environment/KVM_Cloudstack_Composite/custom/centos/7_5_1804_os_x86_64
sslverify = 1
name = 7.5.1804/os/x86_64
sslclientkey = /etc/pki/entitlement/5882520422236831686-key.pem
enabled = 1
sslcacert = /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem
gpgcheck = 0
but whats the difference betweed add here and about the key?
Updated by Sven Vogel about 6 years ago
Updated by Chris Duryee about 6 years ago
On the activation key, are the repos enabled?
Updated by Sven Vogel about 6 years ago
Hi Chris,
yes it work now. the problem was the lifecycle enviroment was not published.
we can close it.
Updated by Samir Jha about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version changed from Katello 3.8.1 to Katello Recycle Bin
Marking resolved and moving to Recycle bin.