



Bug #3653


Recent versions of fog require guest_id to be set.

Added by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden over 10 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

Compute resources
Target version:
Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:


The error:

Failed to power up a compute vmware (VMWare) instance <FQDN>: GenericVmConfigFault: The configuration file does not specify a guest operating system. Select a guest operating system from the General page on the Options tab of Virtual Machine Settings.

Using git develop branch with Gems included by the bundle:
  • actionmailer (3.2.15)
  • actionpack (3.2.15)
  • activemodel (3.2.15)
  • activerecord (3.2.15)
  • activeresource (3.2.15)
  • activesupport (3.2.15)
  • addressable (2.3.5)
  • ancestry (2.0.0)
  • apipie-rails (0.0.24)
  • arel (3.0.2)
  • audited (3.0.0)
  • audited-activerecord (3.0.0)
  • autoparse (0.3.3)
  • awesome_print (1.2.0)
  • builder (3.0.4)
  • bundler (1.3.5)
  • capybara (2.0.3)
  • childprocess (0.3.9)
  • ci_reporter (1.9.0)
  • coderay (1.0.9)
  • coffee-rails (3.2.2)
  • coffee-script (2.2.0)
  • coffee-script-source (1.6.3)
  • database_cleaner (0.9.1)
  • erubis (2.7.0)
  • excon (0.28.0)
  • execjs (2.0.2)
  • extlib (0.9.16)
  • facter (1.7.3)
  • factory_girl (2.6.4)
  • factory_girl_rails (1.7.0)
  • faraday (0.8.8)
  • fast_gettext (0.8.0)
  • ffi (1.9.3)
  • flot-rails (0.0.3)
  • fog (1.18.0)
  • foreigner (1.4.2)
  • formatador (0.2.4)
  • gettext (2.3.9)
  • gettext_i18n_rails (0.10.1)
  • gettext_i18n_rails_js (0.0.8)
  • google-api-client (0.6.4)
  • hike (1.2.3)
  • hirb (0.7.1)
  • hirb-unicode (0.0.5)
  • i18n (0.6.5)
  • i18n_data (0.4.0)
  • immigrant (0.1.5)
  • journey (1.0.4)
  • jquery-rails (2.0.3)
  • jquery-ui-rails (4.1.0)
  • json (1.8.1)
  • jwt (0.1.8)
  • launchy (2.3.0)
  • libv8 (
  • locale (2.0.9)
  • mail (2.5.4)
  • maruku (0.7.0)
  • metaclass (0.0.1)
  • method_source (0.8.2)
  • mime-types (1.25)
  • mini_portile (0.5.2)
  • minitest (4.7.5)
  • minitest-spec-rails (4.7.5)
  • mocha (0.14.0)
  • multi_json (1.8.2)
  • multipart-post (1.2.0)
  • mysql (2.9.1)
  • mysql2 (0.3.14)
  • net-ldap (0.3.1)
  • net-scp (1.1.2)
  • net-ssh (2.7.0)
  • nokogiri (1.6.0)
  • oauth (0.4.7)
  • paint (0.8.6)
  • pg (0.17.0)
  • po_to_json (0.0.7)
  • polyglot (0.3.3)
  • pry (
  • quiet_assets (1.0.2)
  • rabl (0.9.0)
  • rack (1.4.5)
  • rack-cache (1.2)
  • rack-openid (1.4.0)
  • rack-ssl (1.3.3)
  • rack-test (0.6.2)
  • rails (3.2.15)
  • railties (3.2.15)
  • rake (10.1.0)
  • rbovirt (0.0.21)
  • rbvmomi (1.6.0)
  • rdoc (3.12.2)
  • ref (1.0.5)
  • rest-client (1.6.7)
  • ruby-hmac (0.4.0)
  • ruby-libvirt (0.4.0)
  • ruby-openid (2.3.0)
  • ruby2ruby (2.0.1)
  • ruby_parser (3.0.4)
  • rubyzip (0.9.9)
  • safemode (1.2.0)
  • sass (3.2.12)
  • sass-rails (3.2.6)
  • scoped_search (2.6.0)
  • selenium-webdriver (2.35.1)
  • sexp_processor (4.4.0)
  • signet (0.4.5)
  • simplecov (0.7.1)
  • simplecov-html (0.7.1)
  • single_test (0.6.0)
  • slop (3.4.6)
  • spice-html5-rails (0.0.1)
  • spork (0.9.2)
  • spork-minitest (0.0.3)
  • sprockets (2.2.2)
  • sqlite3 (1.3.8)
  • sshkey (1.6.0)
  • term-ansicolor (1.2.2)
  • text (1.2.3)
  • therubyracer (0.11.3)
  • thor (0.18.1)
  • tilt (1.4.1)
  • tins (0.12.0)
  • treetop (1.4.15)
  • trollop (2.0)
  • twitter-bootstrap-rails (2.2.6)
  • tzinfo (0.3.38)
  • uglifier (2.3.0)
  • unf (0.1.3)
  • unf_ext (0.0.6)
  • unicode-display_width (0.1.1)
  • uuidtools (2.1.4)
  • websocket (1.0.7)
  • will_paginate (3.0.5)
  • wirb (1.0.2)
  • xpath (1.0.0)

Related issues 3 (0 open3 closed)

Related to Foreman - Refactor #3717: Pin fog version to prevent incompatibilitiesClosedDominic Cleal11/21/2013Actions
Related to Foreman - Bug #3945: VMWare VM Build Fails w/ 'Configuration file does not specify a guest operating system'ClosedSam Kottler01/04/2014Actions
Has duplicate Foreman - Bug #3680: Foreman does not create VM on VSphereDuplicate11/18/2013Actions
Actions #2

Updated by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden over 10 years ago

Most likely a regression. Upstream PR by Dominic:

Actions #3

Updated by Dominic Cleal over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
  • Assignee set to Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
  • Target version set to 1.10.0
  • Translation missing: en.field_release set to 3
Actions #4

Updated by Dominic Cleal over 10 years ago

  • Has duplicate Bug #3680: Foreman does not create VM on VSphere added
Actions #5

Updated by Dominic Cleal over 10 years ago

  • Related to Refactor #3717: Pin fog version to prevent incompatibilities added
Actions #6

Updated by Dominic Cleal over 10 years ago

  • Target version changed from 1.10.0 to 1.9.3
Actions #7

Updated by Dominic Cleal over 10 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed

Merged as d80d1c2cf8ea9e2abb92c1f070f6347649ef8f29 into 1.3-stable only. We'll address this with a newer version of fog as soon as it's available in 1.4.

Actions #8

Updated by Josh Baird over 10 years ago

  • Related to Bug #3945: VMWare VM Build Fails w/ 'Configuration file does not specify a guest operating system' added

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