Bug #36861
closedCannot discovery container repositories on private registries or on registries that only support api v2
Description of problem:
There are 2 different issues that I believe are at play here.
1. Authentication during discovery is not really working not allowing the discovery of any repositories on private registriers.
2. If/when the query to the v2/_catalog works, the way we're dealing with the results returns nothing for the user at the webUI
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Satellite 6.13 where I tested but most likely also observed on previous versions
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a private registry that only supports api v2 (anything on azurecr.io, for example). I do have a reproducer for testing purposes I can share.
2. push some images to your private registry
3. try discovering the repositories
Actual results:
1. Discover always return 401 errors (using the right password)
2. If the registry is public, it simply returns no results
Expected results:
Be able to discover container repositories on v2 only registries
Be able to discover container repositories on private registries
Additional info:
I have a possible patch that worked on my lab. Will propose it upstream for discussion/validation.