Feature #5784
as an admin, I would like to know whats foreman health/status
Added by Ohad Levy almost 11 years ago.
Updated almost 8 years ago.
It would be nice to have a summary page with all subsystems, etc, this would allow an admin to know if all systems are operational, or something needs to be looked into.
i could see this tap into a monitoring system down the road / dashboard of foreman health via a relevant API.
- Related to Feature #11798: Standard smart proxy interface for module statuses added
just adding information from duplicate ticket
a few ideas
- move all system ping tests (proxies, compute resources, db response time etc) to this page
- provide a notification area in case the system detect failures of sort (e.g. something failed earlier, and identified as a configuration error etc, the error might be logged and acked on this page).
- provide a place to let the user some components are not configured (e.g. trend counters etc)
- allow plugins to extend as needed.
some ideas can be reused from https://github.com/boogiespook/sat6_healthCheck/blob/master/sat6_healthCheck.sh
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