Bug #12502
closedhammer host create using oVirt should use text IDs, not UUIDs
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1278534
Description of problem:
Using RHEV as a a compute resource and following the documentation (https://gist.github.com/tstrachota/f7858388976f19317b73) for RHEV (oVirt) related options I can not create a host using hammer CLI. Using UI works fine.
Sample command:
hammer -d host create --name dhtesthost4 --organization ACME --location 'munich' --hostgroup-id 33 --compute-resource acme-rhev-munich --compute-attributes 'memory=2147483648,cores=2,start=true,cluster=COE_RHS' --root-password 'redhat2015' --volume="size_gb=25,storage_domain=EQL_RHEV34,bootable=true" --partition-table 'ptable-acme-os-rhel-server' --interface 'name=eth0,network=v96'
Tried with many combinations of parameters, with and without compute profiles. Error message does not explain why it fails (422 Unprocessable Entity).
While debugging it with the help of Og we've figured out that the command used while creating a host using the WebUI converts the RHEV specific attributes into UUIDs.
Using the UUIDs for network and storage the hammer command successfully creates a host:
hammer -u admin -p redhat host create --name='rhel-7-server-omaciel-02' --root-pass='abracadabra' --organization='ACME' --location=munich --hostgroup="omaciel" --compute-resource-id=1 --compute-attributes="cluster='6a9a01e7-ee59-4fe3-817a-54d85612c124', cpus=2, memory=2147483648, start=1" --interface="name=eth0, network='6337e786-f7ab-4d3b-901d-09346baf8278'" --volume="size_gb=25, storage_domain='cde2d7fb-9673-4361-845a-009c4e203d30', bootable=true"
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a host using hammer with the first command mentioned above.
2. Check if the host has been created.
3. Try the second command (requires to adapt UUIDs)
Actual results:
Host is only created using the UUIDs
Expected results:
Host is created using the human readable parameter as used in the WebUI.
Additional info: