Feature #13963
openSupport multiple SSH keys in Katello cloud-init
I'm Tryining provisioning a new instance on amazon the instance is created and is up and running but never register with katello and is failed as per the following error on cloud-init.output.log
2016-03-01 02:18:33,754 - util.py[WARNING]: Failed loading yaml blob
2016-03-01 02:18:33,877 - util.py[WARNING]: Failed loading yaml blob
2016-03-01 02:18:33,878 - util.py[WARNING]: Failed at merging in cloud config pa rt from part-001
This was working very well on katello 2.3 i just check the template on katello 2.3 and copy the same in my katello 2.4 but still tell error
This is the generated file on the machine and is no creating the foreman file on /tmp becuase is failed by the error previously paste it
#cloud-config hostname: aatest2 fqdn: aatest2.test.aws.syd.internal manage_etc_hosts: true ssh_authorized_keys: - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC+fYWlaMKXFkXdG9prDNIRpPOi86XjlJaxxhIEHZzcpaDr0W71vA1yInZtUyv+StGDVBX91uNXmMylRdLm/sdseET2Q9KdBWya/4jqNDp26q/I4trO1vGeJ1a4dQCg/GVmFehfQVQgYhM2Zxd6pnpIZ5MPui6h/NKsVqipysByJ903Aq8MlqNooKJCA+Q1JBWkGE1VjU2GpszIkhuQbbbkxRqpxpRWNvkMLH8ba4HTrYhOtiFLwuAIMEeylBRAZXe4dQ8yGKHo8f/Oo1yfenvn7MIS7jiguGT9hYvu/8UtBWFL5Ee0ssz+yu1lfnnxc7thTtEhcjExd/00YAnV5Cbr foreman-proxy@capsule01.example.com ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDzU2DpXyeJIgjS/KSAc+vYgIklDmuBmRfFhHklr+13VctpJ3CCf8GHvfbUkra4du7p0rPkbdHCgs1+iBfz/C0GpyTkziCBazXAdowzM+6mdeljZIsCeAsXrmyMbiwcG0Ulc16A/BPIYQ5K/yrZC128aOuF2PvQmqbcbLkthvC5QTCyzMzATJuYl4RPd4Zq2sY3CgJXsiAxQOhK/AkvH7s725KCyEfBvspKozpCs5hLN7JzFt8EXJMWj5DeActM4WnD1NBRzVbA5u5oNPl5dhSFJU2UuP/e6kFvELlrpo6LC9fQa75JnRqCchQK7tVBg4qzZlsp/sqZj72JFmWZHxN9 root@capsule01.example.com write_files: - path: /tmp/foreman-userdata.sh permissions: '0755' content: | #!/bin/bash # add subscription manager yum -t -y -e 0 install subscription-manager rpm -ivh http://awscapsule01.test.aws.syd.internal/pub/katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm echo "Registering the System" subscription-manager register --org="Verifone" --name="aatest2.test.aws.syd.vficonnect.internal" --activationkey="BaseOS" echo "Installing Katello Agent" yum -t -y -e 0 install katello-agent chkconfig goferd on # update all the base packages from the updates repository yum -t -y -e 0 update yum install -y puppet cat > /etc/puppet/puppet.conf << EOF [main] vardir = /var/lib/puppet logdir = /var/log/puppet rundir = /var/run/puppet ssldir = \$vardir/ssl [agent] pluginsync = true report = true ignoreschedules = true daemon = false ca_server = awscapsule01.test.aws.syd.vficonnect.internal certname = aatest2.test.aws.syd.vficonnect.internal environment = KT_Verifone_Library_BaseOS_2 server = awscapsule01.test.aws.syd.vficonnect.internal EOF # Setup puppet to run on system reboot /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 puppet on /usr/bin/puppet agent --config /etc/puppet/puppet.conf --onetime --tags no_such_tag --server awscapsule01.test.aws.syd.internal --no-daemonize /sbin/service puppet start phone_home: url: http://nz2zmsosat01.pp.vficonnect.net.nz:80/unattended/built?token=4e052b3e-b2ef-48df-a131-0262d785e76a post: [] tries: 10 runcmd: - [ cloud-init-per, once, foreman-userdata, /tmp/foreman-userdata.sh ] output: {all: '| tee -a /root/install.userdata.log'}
i don't see anything on the capsule