Bug #25717
closedBootdisk provision_method not available in API (docs)
In the apipie documentation, the provision_method bootdisk doesn't exist - therefore hammer cli can't deploy with bootdisk.
I added some logging entries. The registries/foreman/plugin.rb#provision_method is called AFTER models/host/managed.rb#provison_method. Means, the bootdisk plugin "registers" as a plugin but at this time, the apipie already got the available provison_methods from host/managed.rb
2018-12-17T22:11:33 [W|app|] Creating scope :path_of. Overwriting existing method Taxonomy.path_of.
2018-12-17T22:11:39 [W|app|] Creating scope :path_of. Overwriting existing method Hostgroup.path_of.
2018-12-17T22:11:39 [W|app|] Creating scope :completer_scope. Overwriting existing method Organization.completer_scope.
2018-12-17T22:11:41 [W|app|] Creating scope :completer_scope. Overwriting existing method Location.completer_scope.
2018-12-17T22:11:41 [E|app|] YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY return registered: {} -- registered_provision_methods
2018-12-17T22:11:41 [E|app|] YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY return registered: {} -- registered_provision_methods
2018-12-17T22:11:43 [W|app|] Scoped order is ignored, it's forced to be batch order.
2018-12-17T22:11:45 [E|app|] XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with bootdisk -- provision_method
I changed the provision_method in registries/foreman/plugin.rb and added the following line:
Unfortunately, this doesn't work as expected. The bootdisk plugin is still missing:
2018-12-17T22:11:45 [E|app|] XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with bootdisk -- provision_method
2018-12-17T22:11:45 [E|app|] YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY return registered: {} -- registered_provision_methods