Bug #14692
Unable to change own username through web UI
Added by Brad Buckingham almost 9 years ago.
Updated about 6 years ago.
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1327661
Description of problem:
When user tries to update his username via My Account > User dialog, there is no error shown on trying to put a blank username in. Instead there is a success notification displayed but the username stays unchanged (so it's more of a cosmetic issue).
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
6.2.0 snap 8.1
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. navigate to my profile
2. try to change your username to "" or " "
Actual results:
Successfully updated <username> //changes have no effect
Expected results:
"can't be blank" Error
Additional info:
How are you changing the username? The input box is disabled.
- Status changed from Need more information to New
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
The user has Administrator role; therefore, the username is editable. If he attempts to update it, there is no error displayed; however, it seems that the user is logged out immediately and the change is not applied. Ideally, the field should be read-only or the user should see an error.
- Subject changed from WebUI - no error on updating own username to blank to No error when updating own username to blank
- Category set to Web Interface
The reason the username field is disabled in my screenshot is that it's incorrectly made disabled when the username is 'admin'.
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/3483 added
- Subject changed from No error when updating own username to blank to Unable to change own username through web UI
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to New
- Pull request deleted (
PR closed due to inactivity, seems valid still.
This is still an issue on latest production release. Unable to rename any user. No errors are generated, but the change does not go through.
I am a new contributor to this project and wish to work on this bug. Is this bug still valid ?
- Assignee set to Rahul Bajaj
I am analyzing a senario - An admin is unable to change his username but he can change other users name. The other users have the option to change their own user names but after updating the form it does not actually update thier usernames.
I have also raised a ticket regarding this issue : http://projects.theforeman.org/issues/19946
I am confused to whether what is the solution to this issue: either
1) Should all the users be restricted from updating their respective usernames ? OR
2) Should they be allowed ?
Rahul, No need for a new ticket.
About your question, I think it would be a mix of both:
Users can update their own names if the Auth Source of these users is Internal, but cannot update their own names if the Auth Source is LDAP-based. The reason is simply that they'll lock themselves out if they change the name (Foreman won't propagate these changes to LDAP).
- Has duplicate Bug #19946: Unable to change the User-name by the user added
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/4579 added
- Target version set to 1.17.0-RC1
- Target version changed from 1.17.0-RC1 to 1.17.0
- Target version changed from 1.17.0 to 216
- Target version deleted (
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
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