Feature #16922
cronjob to clear old tasks
Added by Ivan Necas about 8 years ago.
Updated over 6 years ago.
A job that will clear old tasks. This works well and helps significantly with issues like slow dashboard loading due to repo sync lookup times, but users need to remember to run the cleanup periodically.
Ideally, if the job was run via cron (similar to orphan task cleanup), users would not hit as many issues related to large numbers of old tasks.
- Subject changed from cronjob to clear old tasks
to cronjob to clear old tasks
- Target version set to 113
- Priority changed from Normal to High
knowing the amount of pain we had in puppet with expiring reports, I would raise this priory to high now that foreman core uses tasks to import reports.
- Related to Bug #17495: Align foreman configuration report expiry with Task expiry added
It would be nice if there was a way to set the length of time to keep the entries in the UI, rather than hard coded in the cronjob
- Bugzilla link changed from 1384548 to 1425471
- Target version changed from 113 to 1.12.0
- Target version changed from 1.12.0 to 1.12.2
- Assignee set to Martin Bacovsky
- Target version changed from 1.12.2 to 1.12.4
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman-tasks/pull/247 added
- Blocked by Feature #20352: Backup foreman tasks when they are deleted added
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman-tasks/pull/278 added
- Related to Bug #20819: Allow enabling foreman tasks task cleanup from the installer added
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from Closed to Ready For Testing
- Pull request deleted (
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
- Translation missing: en.field_release set to 307
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