



Tracker #4552


New permissions/authorization system issues

Added by Dominic Cleal almost 11 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Target version:
% Done:


Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:


Tracker for issues that follow on from the implementation of #812.

Related issues 33 (2 open31 closed)

Related to Foreman - Feature #812: cant assign roles to groups, just to usersClosedMarek Hulán03/31/2011Actions
Related to Foreman - Bug #16884: Create permissions do not check filter limitsClosedMarek Hulán10/12/2016Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #4369: RBAC UI - clicking a role in the UI should go to filters pageClosedDaniel Lobato Garcia02/17/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #4371: RBAC UI - verbs used should match hammerRejected02/17/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #4370: RBAC UI - filters list does not show enough detailClosedDaniel Lobato Garcia02/17/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #4553: Editing "miscellaneous" filter triggers: undefined method `pluralize' for nil:NilClassClosedMarek Hulán03/05/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Feature #3193: Allow compartmentalisation/filtering of permissions by Organistion/LocationResolved10/03/2013Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #4557: "Undefined Method" is raised in FiltersHelper#resource_path when resource is defined in a namespaced pluginClosed03/05/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #4597: cannot disassociate hostClosedDominic Cleal03/08/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #4607: fix cache initialization sometimes failsDuplicate03/10/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #4641: Deleting user with associated roles triggers PG::NotNullViolationClosedMaria Nita03/12/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #4960: undefined method `host_classes_path' when editing filter on "host class"ClosedTomáš Strachota03/31/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5235: Filter creation allows me to enter and save with a field that isn't available for searching and blows up the resulting entity pageClosed04/17/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5396: Creating Role filter with all 'Image' permissions breaks the ability to edit the filterResolved04/22/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5397: Architectures filter blows up if an organization is selectedDuplicate04/22/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5489: Permission migration script can create invalid search conditionsClosedDominic Cleal04/29/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5540: User filters not migrated when user only has builtin rolesClosedDominic Cleal05/01/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5541: Filter of resource type Organization can result in error condition when trying to access organization resourcesClosedMarek Hulán05/01/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5612: Foreman API v1 & v2 do not display common_parameters for non-admin usersClosedDominic Cleal05/07/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5669: Unlimited filters unavailable when taxonomy is selectedNew05/12/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5672: Host group filter bypassed due to unlimited view_hosts filter on anonymous roleRejected05/12/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5664: Users permissions on hosts are not working properly with organizationsClosedMarek Hulán05/11/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5689: Plugin permissions are skipped during migration from old to new systemClosedMarek Hulán05/13/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5696: Migration of Admin users from 1.4 -> 1.5 results in "Role Name_username" roles that cannot be removed and cleaned up.ClosedMarek Hulán05/13/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5929: Taxonomy selectors do not obey assign_$taxonomy permissionsClosedMarek Hulán05/26/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5945: Role API brokenClosedTomáš Strachota05/27/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5994: Power and Console links are disabled for non-admin usersClosed05/30/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #6117: Usergroup cache is not updated when modified from user directionClosedMarek Hulán06/09/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #6331: Permission to view individual compute resource VMs is incorrectClosedDominic Cleal06/23/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #6403: power API returns error if using a hostgroup_id search filterDuplicate06/26/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Feature #6468: Authorization filter owner = current_userClosedTomer Brisker07/02/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #7349: Unlimited Setting in Filters Should Grey Out Organization & Location TabNew09/04/2014Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #5909: Editing host fails for non-admin user with fact filterClosedDominic Cleal05/23/2014Actions

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