



Tracker #33447


Alternate Content Sources Support Tracker (MVP)

Added by Ian Ballou over 3 years ago. Updated 6 months ago.

Target version:
% Done:


Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:


As a user, I can create and manage alternate content sources that Pulp will look to first for downloading packages during synchronization.

Subtasks 24 (3 open21 closed)

Tracker #33448: As a user, I can CRUD custom ACSs via the API and hammerClosed

Feature #34033: As a user, I can CRUD custom ACSs via hammerClosedChris RobertsActions
Feature #34034: As a user, I can CRUD custom ACSs via the APIClosedIan BallouActions
Feature #33449: As a user, I can expect my ACSs to be refreshed appropriatelyClosedIan BallouActions
Feature #33455: As a user, I can CRUD Simplified ACSs via the API and hammerResolvedActions
Feature #34336: As a user, I can CRUD Simplified ACSs via the APIClosedIan BallouActions
Feature #34337: As a user, I can CRUD Simplified ACSs via HammerClosedIan BallouActions
Feature #33456: As a user, I can CRUD RHUI ACSs via the API and hammerResolvedLucy FuActions
Feature #33457: Modify orphan cleanup to not delete ACS remotesResolvedActions
Feature #33458: As a user, I can easily create ACSs for already-existing smart proxiesNewActions
Feature #33459: As a user, I can CRUD any kind of ACS via Foreman Ansible ModulesNewActions
Feature #33460: As a user, I can refresh ACSs via Foreman Ansible ModulesNewActions
Tracker #33461: As a user, I can interact with ACSs via the UIResolved

Feature #33462: As a user, I can create custom ACSs via the UIClosedSamir JhaActions
Feature #33463: As a user, I can create CDN and RHUI ACSs via the UIClosedLucy FuActions
Feature #33464: As a user, I can bulk delete and refresh ACSs via the UIClosedIan BallouActions
Feature #34783: Set up lab routes for ACS UI and land on read-only index page for ACSClosedSamir JhaActions
Feature #34929: As a user, I can view ACS detailsClosedSamir JhaActions
Feature #35026: As a user, I can edit ACS detailsClosedSamir JhaActions
Feature #35096: As a user, I can view Simplified ACS details in the UI.ClosedSamir JhaActions
Feature #34930: ACS: remove last_refreshed column and enable audits on ACS changes/refreshesClosedSamir JhaActions
Feature #35344: Add Alternate Content Sources tab to content credentialsClosedChris RobertsActions
Bug #35358: Simplified ACS products are not removed if the last repository in the product of th ACS's type has its URL removedClosedActions
Feature #35608: Remove ACS from labs and place it in the Content sectionClosedChris RobertsActions

Related issues 5 (0 open5 closed)

Blocked by Katello - Bug #34897: Assign HTTP Proxies to ACSs per smart proxy rather than per ACSClosedIan BallouActions
Blocked by Packaging - Feature #34898: Katello cron job needed to run the alternate content source refresh rake task on a scheduleClosedChris RobertsActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #35119: Rake task refresh_alternate_content_sources fails when there are no ACSsClosedIan BallouActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #35275: Task group errors do not drill into child task errorsClosedSamir JhaActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #35582: ACS - throw proper errors for ULN ACS URLsClosedIan BallouActions

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